
An Interview with Andrew Gwynne MP, Shadow Minister for Public Health and VIC-20 lover!

Earlier this year when appearing on the news, it was noticed that Andrew Gwynne MP, Shadow Minister for Public Health had a VIC-20 on his desk. We reached out to Mr Gwynne, not to ask about his ideas for health policies, but to chin-wag about old Commodore computers! Was the VIC-20 your first computer? Yes, An Interview with Andrew Gwynne MP, Shadow Minister for Public Health and VIC-20 lover!

The Channel F is back! With new game, and Android ports of Hockey, Dodge It and Robot War

Fairchild’s Channel F was launched in 1976 as the Video Entertainment System, and was the first console to use interchangeable ROM cartridges. It was developed by Jerry Lawson and his team at Fairchild Semiconductor. The Channel F was initially popular, with over 250,000 units sold in the first year. However, it struggled to compete with The Channel F is back! With new game, and Android ports of Hockey, Dodge It and Robot War

Apple release source code to Lisa system and applications software

Yesterday was the 40th anniversary of the launch of Apple’s Lisa computer. While it wasn’t a resounding success – it did lay the ground for several computing concepts we are familiar with today, such as the ‘double click’. In celebration of this anniversary, The Computer History Museum has received permission from Apple to release the Apple release source code to Lisa system and applications software

Sierra founders, Ken and Roberta Williams, have remade Colossal Cave Adventure as “as a fully immersive, 3D and VR experience”

Sierra On-Line founders Ken and Roberta Williams’ have launched Colossal Cave, a 3D interpretation of the original text adventure for modern platforms. “The original Colossal Cave Adventure was truly unlike anything anyone had seen before, and we hope to make a similar mark on the next generation,” says Roberta Williams, Founder and Lead Designer, Cygnus Sierra founders, Ken and Roberta Williams, have remade Colossal Cave Adventure as “as a fully immersive, 3D and VR experience”

Celebrate going online, old-skool style, with this embroidered tee

It is easy to forget that we weren’t always on the internet. You had to decide to go on there. Then you had to listen to the ‘going on the internet theme tune’, which went like this: Hum / Beep-boop-beep-boop-boop-beep-beep-boop. / beedoop-squrrl / squrrllll-mmmmmm / eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-ooooooooooooo, berdang-berdang / ksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksksKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKSKS Well if that scenario makes you Celebrate going online, old-skool style, with this embroidered tee

Time to play DopeWars again. 560+ Palm OS apps now playable on Internet Archive

Late last year, Internet Archivist Jason Scott uploaded a database of Palm OS apps to the Internet Archive. The 560+ titles includes Palm OS faves such as DopeWars and various other shareware and commercial releases. The Internet Archive is using Cloudpilot, a web-based Palm emulator written by Christian Speckner, which we covered last August. The Time to play DopeWars again. 560+ Palm OS apps now playable on Internet Archive