Commodore 64 games come to Evercade in first Home Computer collection for the console

Evercade have launched a new line of cartridges for home computer games, the first of which is a collection of games from the Commodore 64. The new collection, which is released in conjunction with Retro Games Ltd, will launch in October Games in TheC64 Collection 1 include: Summer Games​ Genre: Sport Players: 1-8 Summer is Commodore 64 games come to Evercade in first Home Computer collection for the console

The game I should have made 36 years ago instead of Pandora – Shahid Ahmad is working on Chimera 2

Shahid Kamal Ahmad is working on a follow-up to his classic 8-bit game, Chimera. The original game was developed on a ZX Spectrum and ported to the C64, Atari 8-bit, Amstrad CPC – and for some reason*, the Watara Supervision. In the original game you must explore a spaceship, which is on target to destroy The game I should have made 36 years ago instead of Pandora – Shahid Ahmad is working on Chimera 2