Amico launch date pushed back, and new games announced

Intellivision have pushed back the launch date of their Amico console to April 2021. The console was originally set to launch in October 2020, but has been pushed back due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Intellivision CEO, Tommy Tallarico says “Despite unprecedented challenges, the accomplishments and progress made by our internal team, plus our incredible network Amico launch date pushed back, and new games announced

Hardware Review: Evercade

The Evercade is a handheld games console which was launched earlier this year. Unlike most modern consoles, there’s no digital downloads (you can’t even connect it to the internet), and it doesn’t play the latest games. Instead you play games by inserting different cartridges, which contain licensed versions of retro games from companies such as Hardware Review: Evercade

Upcoming Books: Shareware Heroes, Video Games that saved my life, The Games that Weren’t

Here are three upcoming books that may be of interest to retro gamers – two of them are being funded by crowdfunding, so take action if they interest you. Shareware Heroes​ Shareware Heroes: Independent Games at the Dawn of the Internet takes readers on a journey, from the beginnings of the shareware model in the Upcoming Books: Shareware Heroes, Video Games that saved my life, The Games that Weren’t

Emulator ZEsarUK to add MSX support

It looks like the emulator ZEsarUX is to add support for the MSX system, as can be seen by the Youtube video below: The emulator by Cesar Hernandez Bano, currently supports Sinclair and ‘sinclair aligned machines’ such as Amstrad CPC Jupiter Ace and Sam Coupé. ZEsarUX runs on multiple platforms such as Windows, Linux, MacOS, Emulator ZEsarUK to add MSX support