Millie and Mollie is a new puzzle game for the Commodore 64, which was inspired by the Game Boy game Catrap (In Japan, the game is known as Pitman, and was originally launched for the Sharp MZ-700 in 1985).
The aim of the game is to help sisters, Millie and Mollie, rid their world of malicious monsters (by walking into them). You can use the fire button to switch between which of the sisters you are controlling, and hold down fire to rewind the game if you need to backtrack.

A nice touch: When you rewind the game, VHS rewind bars appear on the screen
The game eases you in slowly and the first few levels have been designed to get you used to how to play. The game has 100 levels, and five themed worlds. And if you get inspired, there is a level editor to create your own levels.
Millie and Molly Meet Malicious Monsters (to give it its full name) was coded by Carleton Handley in collaboration with Saul Cross (graphics) and Hans Axelsson-Svala (music). Levels for the game were designed by Chun Wah Kong with assistance by Patsy Chim.

The game uses a password system so keep the pen and paper handy!
The game is available for PAL and NTSC systems and is available to download now from itch.io for the minimum cost of $3. Physical formats are also expected at a later date.
As well as on genuine C64 hardware, the game will also work on Emulators, TheC64 and TheC64Mini.