In Net Yaroze Month, we are playing every Net Yaroze game featured on the UK Official Playstation Magazine, and ranking them all in the order we liked them. You may have other opinions as to the ranking, which is awesome.
To learn more about Net Yaroze, read our introductory article here.

Tom Madams’ Arena looks impressive. Luckily it also plays well too.
You are a two-legged robot thing (possibly inspired by the AT-ST’s from Star Wars), and you have to stomp around four arenas killing all the bad robots. You can collect power ups, which extend your energy, as well as bombs which blast everything on screen.
It’s good fun, and if I had one complaint it would be that you move a bit slow. But it’s a big robot, and makes a nice stomping noise, so I can forgive it of that.
Tom went to help make work at SCEE and Lucasarts, and is now a Senior Software Engineer at Google.
Game: Arena
By: Tom Madams
Genre: Shooter
Available on Euro Demos: 108
Net Yaroze Month rankings:
Arena blasts into No. 17
- Time Slip
- Blitter Boy
- Rocks n Gems
- Total Soccer Yaroze
- Terra Incognita
- Super Bub Contest
- Robot Ron
- Decaying Orbit
- Psychon
- Snowball Fight
- Haunted Maze
- Roller
- Pushy IIB
- Gravitation
- Down
- Squeak
- Adventure Game
- Katapila
- Sam the Boulderman
- Pssst!
- Pandora’s Box
- Game Involving Triangles
- Yarozians
- Tanx
- PingPing
- Opera of Destruction
- Video Poker Simulator
- Shroud
- Between the Eyes
- Bouncer 2
- Yaroze Rally
- Sphere
- Blockz
- Technical Demo
- Surf Game
Still to play:
- A Dog Tale
- Mah Jongg
- Samsaric Asymptotes
- Hover Car Racing
- Clone